One-Line Bio: Introvert| Feminist| Poet| Snapshotter| Blogger | Digital Collage Artist/Art Journaler
Brief Bio: I live in Western Montana, and feel an abiding connection to Southeast Alaska. I've posted a resume of sorts, here.
I rarely send out my work, but have been published in Calyx Journal. A rejection letter from The New Yorker is pinned to my study wall.
My poem Raven appears in The Raven: Soaring Through History, Legend & Lore, by Lynn Hassler from Rio Nuevo Publishers.
My poem Fibromyalgia is in Through Corridors of Light: Poems of Consolation.
My digital artwork will be featured in the April 2012 issue of Art Journaling Magazine.
Though I seldom submit my work on my own, I am always happy to be invited, and my poems have been published in various online venues, including:
- Postal Poetry
- MatriFocus
- MiPOesias Magazine
- Masthead
- The New Verse News
- MiPoradio
- Poet's Corner - Fieralingue
- 3,785 Page Pirated Poetry Anthology [Heh. Just found this one.]
- Abalone Moon
- qarrtsiluni (This is gone, so I've linked to my own post; the new qarrtsiluni is here .)
I know I'm forgetting some of these; if you notice, let me know. I should be keeping track of these as they happen.
I have been blogging at Watermark since January 2004, and consider blogging to be something of an art form in itself. Chandrasutra interviewed me as part of her Blogger's Blogger series.
I also enjoy photography, as a hobby (though I have sold one!) Here is my Artist Statement at Utata.
I am a writer; I want the work to stand on its own. The writer should be insignificant. But the Web experts insist that a bio is important, and they want a photo, too.
I feel compelled to confess that I do turn the book over to look at the author's photo. What does it tell me?