Watermark is where I think and play. It is, in a sense, both an edited and an expanded journal -- edited, for you; and expanded by the capabilities of the technology. It's a sort of goulash of reflections, links, the best of my journal, snapshots (poems & photos) and web toys.
Watermark is not a poetry blog; though I do post poems here, I rarely discuss poetics. It has lots of photos, but it's not really a photoblog, either. I have strong opinions about politics, and those opinions are no doubt apparent -- but I rarely write about them.
So what do I write about? I hope you'll visit, or subscribe, and find out.
[About This Site category on Watermark]
Abide is an irregularly updated blog about life with chronic illness. It has the occassional whine, posts on research and activism (though I really do think that chronic fatigue activist is an oxymoron) and links to a wide range of resources.
[About This Site category on Abide]
Blogging Blog: Tips, Tools & Toys for the Personal Blogger was designed to be a resource for bloggers, especially beginning bloggers, and has recently been enlivened by some new writers and a new focus on personal blogging. It has an extensive blogroll and other links to useful sites for bloggers and webdivas.
Links is a comprehensive collection of places of interest around the web, and toys. You could spend too much time there, clicking away. Put on your wrist brace.
Circle is a place for my non-internet savvy friends and family -- & their friends and families -- to share pictures and messages with each other. We have a wide range of photographers and photographs there, from professional to talented amateur to "snapshot" folks like me.
Oratory, Small Poems, and Commonplace Book are relatively static sites for my poems and other bits of writing. My good intentions to update them regularly have not been fulfilled; if you are interested in my more recent work, it's more likely to be found in Watermark categories: Poetry Thursday, Poems, Small Poems, Snapshot Poems, NaPoWriMo.